Friday, March 25, 2016

Fake friends

I was really naive 
A new kid expecting to make new friends
Real friends
That would be with you every step of the way
Invite you to things
Hang out ALL the time
But that didn't happen 
I had school friends
They didn't talk to me outside of school
Never got invited anywhere 
Never texted me for my opinion 
And then high school came 
I stopped talking to those friends
And was alone again 
New friends came 
I was still naive 
Thought these friends would be real
I was again wrong
Not invited anywhere
Only talked to inside of school
Not invited anywhere
And when I was I didn't feel welcome 
Lied to 
I was there for them when they were upset
The only time I was upset was because of them 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Courage is the child at the playground
Courage never stops going up the stairs then down the slide 
Courage is always there
At the playground 
Courage goes on the monkey bars even though they are very scary 
Courage falls but gets right back up again 
Bigger, and older kids are also scary 
When the bigger kids come to the park
Courage doesn't leave 
Courage is like a superhero 
But courage doesn't wear a cape to the park 
But courage gets scared too 
Just like the other kids
A bully steals kids lunch money
The bully is fear 
Courage sticks up for herself 
Courage doesn't give into fear and give him her lunch money 
Courage is a child 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The face of God
To fall in love 
Boyfriends and family
Your first loves
The most powerful happiness 
Comfortable and amazing 
Emotions pour our 
Never stopping and unbreakable